
M&A related adviory services

  • Target company longlist and shortlist preparation
  • Evaluation and selection of the target
  • Due diligence support
  • Structuring of the investment vehicles and investment asset class
  • Mid term business plan and debt repayment plan
  • Negotiation of various documentations
  • Negotiations with the stakeholders (Seller, management, business partners, and lenders)
  • Management team candidate evaluation and selection support
  • 100 day plan and PMI plan development and execution support
  • Exit planning if necessary
  • Seller DD
  • Selection and evaluation of buyer universe

Advisory services related to financing

  • Structuring of the loan, documentation and negotiation with kenders
  • Structuring of the equity financing and negotiation with the investment banks and lenders

Consulting related to business strategy

  • For corporate and start-ups
  • Organic growth and profit enhancement
  • M&A strategy
  • New business development

Advertising and promotions

  • Consulting on advertising and promotions
  • Advertising rep services